

panda debug

Panda comes with a built-in debug command to help you debug your app. This can be useful to see which files are being processed, what styles are being generated for each of your source files, and what your final config looks like.

By default it will scan and output debug files for the entire project depending on your include and exclude options from your config file.

pnpm panda debug
# You can also debug a specific file or folder
# using the optional glob argument
pnpm panda debug src/components/Button.tsx
pnpm panda debug "./src/components/**"

This would generate a debug folder in your config.outdir folder with the following structure:

The config.json file will contain the resolved config result, meaning the output after merging config presets in your own specific options.

It can be useful to check if your config contains everything you expect for your app to be working, such as tokens or recipes.

*.ast.json files will look like:

    "name": "css",
    "type": "object",
    "data": [
        "transitionProperty": "all",
        "opacity": "0.5",
        "border": "1px solid",
        "borderColor": "black",
        "color": "gray.600",
        "_hover": {
          "color": "gray.900"
        "rounded": "md",
        "p": "1.5",
        "_dark": {
          "borderColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)",
          "color": "gray.400",
          "_hover": {
            "color": "gray.50"
    "kind": "CallExpression",
    "line": 13,
    "column": 9

And the .css file associated would just contain the styles generated from the extraction process on that file only.

PANDA_DEBUG env variable

You can prefix any of the Panda CLI command with the PANDA_DEBUG environment variable to show debug logs.

PANDA_DEBUG=* pnpm panda

This can be useful to check if a specific file is being processed or not, or if a specific function/component has been extracted.

❯ PANDA_DEBUG=* pnpm panda cssgen
🐼 debug [config:path] /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/panda.config.ts
🐼 debug [ast:import] Found import { css } in /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/theme.config.tsx
🐼 debug [ast:Icon] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [ast:css] { kind: 'function' }
🐼 debug [hrtime] Parsed /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/theme.config.tsx (9.66ms)
🐼 debug [ast:import] Found import { css } in /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/src/DEFAULT_THEME.tsx
🐼 debug [ast:DiscordIcon] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [ast:css] { kind: 'function' }
🐼 debug [ast:Anchor] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [ast:GitHubIcon] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [ast:Flexsearch] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [ast:MatchSorterSearch] { kind: 'component' }
🐼 debug [hrtime] Parsed /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/src/DEFAULT_THEME.tsx (4.51ms)
🐼 debug [ast:import] No import found in /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/src/constants.tsx
🐼 debug [hrtime] Parsed /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/src/constants.tsx (4.23ms)
🐼 debug [ast:import] Found import { css } in /Users/astahmer/dev/open-source/panda-clone/website/src/index.tsx
🐼 debug [ast:css] { kind: 'function' }

Performance profiling

If Panda is taking too long to process your files, you can use the --cpu-prof with the panda, panda cssgen, panda codegen and panda debug commands to generate a flamegraph of the whole process, which will allow you (or us as maintainers) to see which part of the process is taking the most time.

This will generate a panda-{command}-{timestamp}.cpuprofile file in the current working directory, which can be opened in tools like Speedscope (opens in a new tab)

pnpm panda --cpu-prof


Why are my styles not applied?

Check that the @layer rules are set and the corresponding .css file is included. If you're not using postcss, ensure that styled-system/styles.css is imported and that the panda command has been run (or is running with --watch).

How can I debug the styles?

You can use the panda debug to debug design token extraction & css generated from files.

If the issue persists, you can try looking for it in the issues (opens in a new tab) or in the discord (opens in a new tab). If you can't find it, please create a minimal reproduction and submit a new github issue (opens in a new tab) so we can help you.

Why is my IDE not showing styled-system imports?

If you're not getting import autocomplete in your IDE, you may need to include the styled-system directory in your tsconfig.json file.

HMR does not work when I use tsconfig paths?

Panda tries to automatically infer and read the custom paths defined in tsconfig.json file. However, there might be scenarios where the hot module replacement doesn't work.

To fix this add the importMap option to your panda.config.js file, setting it's value to the specified paths in your tsconfig.json file.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./src",
    "paths": {
      "@my-path/*": ["./styled-system/*"]
// panda.config.js
module.exports = {
  importMap: '@my-path'

This will ensure that the paths are resolved correctly, and HMR works as expected.

The postcss plugin sometimes seems slow or runs too frequently

This is mostly specific to the host bundler (vite, webpack etc) you're using, it is up to them to decide when to run the postcss plugin again, and sometimes it can be more than needed for your usage. We do our best to cache the results of the postcss plugin by checking if the filesystem or your config have actually changed, but sometimes it might not be enough.

In those rare cases, you might want to swap to using the CLI instead, as it will always be more performant than the postcss alternative since we directly watch for filesystem changes and only run the extract/codegen steps when needed.

If you want to keep the convenience of having just one command to run, you can use something like concurrently for that:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "concurrently \"next dev\" \"panda --watch\"",